Wheat/paddy substrate. High quality first generation pleurotus oyster mushroom spawn. Pack of 5 (200gm) with 5 polypropylene bags.. 1 kg spawn could be used with 20 kg pasteurized straw yielding 20 kg mushrooms. Please acquire all prior knowledge regarding farming oyster mushrooms before placing order. Matured spawns could be stored in cool temperature for upto 30 days. Happy mushrooming. Instruction manual simple organic method for oyster mushroom farming step 1: boil the substrate in water for one hour to disinfect it or steam sterilize it. Step 2: then pour the substrate in clean surface for few hours until excess water goes away. Don't over dry, keep the moister as such so that water doesn't drops when pressed with hand. Step 4: break the spawn packet into fine grains and mix it to your straw substrate in ratio of 10% of dry weight and fill it into pp plastic bags. Step 5: make 8 small holes into your cylindrical bags and plug them with cotton. Step 6: let it rest for next 15 days.Don't spray water or do any thing. Myclium shall run through out bag in this period. Step 7: after 15 days,remove the cotton plugs and make 5 finger size large holes into your bags and start spraying little water twice a day from outside. Withing a week or two mushrooms will start growing. Step 8: spray water every day after harvesting for next two months can enjoy mushrooms
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